
Open Book Editions ឆ្មលោកីយ៍ របស់សត្វអា Author: Jean-Claude Redonnet Illustrator: Kristine Hakim Synopsis: Mirabel is truly a cat of the world. A Canadian-born black and white cat with green eyes, her paws are white, like the winter snow. Mirabel agreed to follow my family around the world in my travels as a diplomat, and in each place, she learned to speak the language. She spoke English and French, Japanese and Arabic, Russian, ... and probably many more. I recently discovered that she was studying Khmer to prepare for a visit to Cambodia. One morning, Mirabel asked me if I could use my keyboard to narrate her experiences as a cat, traveller, linguist, and avid book reader. Here is Mirabel's story, in her own words. 🎁 Recommended from 6 to 16 years old. #Journey, #Travel, #Discovered the world #Learning different languages # Humor # Love of books # Love of animals
SGD 20.00

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ឆ្មលោកីយ៍ របស់សត្វអា

SGD 20.00
ឆ្មលោកីយ៍ របស់សត្វអា
ឆ្មលោកីយ៍ របស់សត្វអា
ឆ្មលោកីយ៍ របស់សត្វអា
ឆ្មលោកីយ៍ របស់សត្វអា
ឆ្មលោកីយ៍ របស់សត្វអា
ឆ្មលោកីយ៍ របស់សត្វអា

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ឆ្មលោកីយ៍ របស់សត្វអា

SGD 20.00
Model Number: ISBN9789996345098
Author: Jean-Claude Redonnet
Illustrator: Kristine Hakim

Synopsis: Mirabel is truly a cat of the world. A Canadian-born black and white cat with green eyes, her paws are white, like the winter snow.

Mirabel agreed to follow my family around the world in my travels as a diplomat, and in each place, she learned to speak the language. She spoke English and French, Japanese and Arabic, Russian, ... and probably many more. I recently discovered that she was studying Khmer to prepare for a visit to Cambodia.

One morning, Mirabel asked me if I could use my keyboard to narrate her experiences as a cat, traveller, linguist, and avid book reader.

Here is Mirabel's story, in her own words.

🎁 Recommended from 6 to 16 years old.

#Journey, #Travel, #Discovered the world
#Learning different languages
# Humor # Love of books # Love of animals
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Manufacturer: Open Book Editions
  • General description
  • About the author and illustrator

Format: Softcover book | 50 pages
Dimensions: 19 x 15 cm | 115 g
Languages: Khmer, also available in French and English
Published: 2015
Model number: ISBN 9789996345098

Author: Jean-Claude Redonnet


Illustrator: Kristine Hakim
Kristine Hakim is a designer, illustrator and a mixed-media artist who works with different mediums and materials. She is as well as a Milliner. Based in Singapore, she has her own brand of millinery collection, Ekspade Millinery.

She has worked with Open Book Editions since 2012. Often a reflection on her own life's journey, her illustrations allow her to share her past travel experiences, visit new places and meet friends along the way.

Kristine Hakim has illustrated 6 children’s books: Mirabel Cat of the word, Fantastic Daydreamer, Around the word with Sophie and Remy, Chalk, Sky One Girl in a Million and Dog and Cat Fable.
Her work helps in building a reading culture in Cambodia.